Minecade's Pizza Spleef #3 wasn't working, and everyone was fighting. Obviously Dr. Chibawk's fault.

This is my blog about stuff related to Dr. Chibawk. Check out the info in the sidebar, or here on mobile!
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Friday, April 25, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
I was in my house today, when suddenly several green-eyed endermen teleported in. One of them dropped a book, and they proceeded to take everything in my house. The book, titled Earth Day! and written by Dr. Chibawk, said:
To celebrate Earth Day, I have sent my cyclemen to recycle your house.
As I finished reading, a cycleman grabbed the last block, and the rest of them killed me. When I respawned, they were gone.
To celebrate Earth Day, I have sent my cyclemen to recycle your house.
As I finished reading, a cycleman grabbed the last block, and the rest of them killed me. When I respawned, they were gone.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Evil Block-Eating Monster
I was exploring a cave today, and I found a colorful, spotted egg. I destroyed, took it back to my house, and placed it on my furnace.
I went mining again.
When I got back to my house, particles were coming out of the egg. Suddenly it broke, and an evil monster jumped out and ate a hole in my house!
I didn't get a screenshot of it, but from what I saw, it looked something like this:

A furtherman teleported into my house, dropped a written book, took my cake, and left.
The book was called Repair-O-Tron Ad, and was by Israphel. Inside, it said:
Is your construction broken? Have trouble with creepers, or evil block-eating monsters? Well, then, MooTech's Repair-O-Tron is for you! With the push of a button, your creations will be restored!
Get one now for only five emeralds!
And, one the last page, it said:
We are not responsible for any malfunctions such as, for example, giving all your diamonds to Dr. Chibawk.
So if you find multicolored eggs, don't take them home with you!
I went mining again.
When I got back to my house, particles were coming out of the egg. Suddenly it broke, and an evil monster jumped out and ate a hole in my house!
I didn't get a screenshot of it, but from what I saw, it looked something like this:

A furtherman teleported into my house, dropped a written book, took my cake, and left.
The book was called Repair-O-Tron Ad, and was by Israphel. Inside, it said:
Is your construction broken? Have trouble with creepers, or evil block-eating monsters? Well, then, MooTech's Repair-O-Tron is for you! With the push of a button, your creations will be restored!
Get one now for only five emeralds!
And, one the last page, it said:
We are not responsible for any malfunctions such as, for example, giving all your diamonds to Dr. Chibawk.
So if you find multicolored eggs, don't take them home with you!
"Viney Food Review"
(This was originally posted on 2014-03-12)
Yesterday I found a strange book in a village's chest! It was called Viney Food Review, and it was by someone called Happyguy! Inside it said:
Hey guys!!! I found an awesome new restaurant! It's called Viney Food! They sell some unusual items, such as rotten flesh and poisonous potatoes, but their steak and cookies are excellent! And I met a chicken guy named Dr. Chibawk who seemed nice!
Yesterday I found a strange book in a village's chest! It was called Viney Food Review, and it was by someone called Happyguy! Inside it said:
Hey guys!!! I found an awesome new restaurant! It's called Viney Food! They sell some unusual items, such as rotten flesh and poisonous potatoes, but their steak and cookies are excellent! And I met a chicken guy named Dr. Chibawk who seemed nice!
Furthermen and MooTech
(This was originally posted on 2014-03-08)
I haven't seen many signs of Dr Chibawk in a while, other than occasional monsters wearing froggy clothes. But recently, something happened that was related!
I was searching for animals to get food from, and I found a pig. I ran at it, swinging my word, and hit it--but nothing happened.
It turned around, and I saw that it had completely white eyes....it was some sort of Herobrine-pig!!!
But I know Herobrine, and he's actually a nice guy. So I said, "Oh! Sorry about that!"
Heropiggy grunted. He walked a little way, then turned and grunted at me.
"Should I follow you?" I asked.
Heropiggy nodded, then went toward a cave. I followed.
We went into the cave. It was dark, but Heropiggy's eyes made enough light for me to see by.
After walking for a while, we came across an iron door in an iron wall. Behind it was a room, full of red-eyed endermen, and lit by redstone torches. Some of the endermen were wearing froggy clothes.
"What are they?" I asked Heropiggy. "What are they doing?"
Heropiggy just grunted.
I pressed a button next to the door, and it swung open. I walked up to one of the strange endermen. "Hi," I said. "Who are you?"
The enderman looked at me. "I'm Sombre, a furtherman. What are you doing here?!"
I ignored the question. "Hey, I think I've heard of you! Someone said you were haunting them, and they saw you IRL!"
Sombre said, "Someone might've seen me in Minecraftia, but I've never heard of 'IRL.'"
"What are furthermen?" I asked.
"We're a new breed of endermen, created by Dr. Chibawk, made for finding redstone. And cake."
Dr. Chibawk. I should've known!
"What does he need redstone for?"
"It's this new shop, MooTech, at (2047, 71, -45). It's run by Israphel an- Hang on! You're craftykids! Dr. Chibawk told us about you! Guys, it craftykids! ATTACK!!!"
The furthermen rushed at me, mouths open, and I started to run....but they got me. I died. A furtherman stood above me, holding a cake. I clicked the respawn button.
I wanted to see what this MooTech thing was, so went to the coordinates Sombre had given me.
Sure enough, there was a building there. Strangely, it was made out of huge mushroom blocks.
I went in.
There were walls of item frames, with strange items that I'd never seen before. One had signs over it that said, "Anti-Cake-Stealer! 100% guaranteed not to steal your cakes! Only 3 emeralds! Also comes with a FREE meal from Viney Food!"
I turned a corner, and saw the Mushroom Man. He was wearing froggy clothes, too.
He stared at me. "Dad!" he said. "It's craftykids! Help me catch him!"
Israphel came running through a doorway.
As I tried to get away from them, I asked, "how
"Step-dad!" said Israphel.
"Oh," I said, as they killed me.
So you'd better watch your cakes! Don't let any furthermen get them! And don't buy an anti-cake-stealer, even if you get a free meal at Viney Food! (They don't sell very good food anyway.)
I haven't seen many signs of Dr Chibawk in a while, other than occasional monsters wearing froggy clothes. But recently, something happened that was related!
I was searching for animals to get food from, and I found a pig. I ran at it, swinging my word, and hit it--but nothing happened.
It turned around, and I saw that it had completely white eyes....it was some sort of Herobrine-pig!!!
But I know Herobrine, and he's actually a nice guy. So I said, "Oh! Sorry about that!"
Heropiggy grunted. He walked a little way, then turned and grunted at me.
"Should I follow you?" I asked.
Heropiggy nodded, then went toward a cave. I followed.
We went into the cave. It was dark, but Heropiggy's eyes made enough light for me to see by.
After walking for a while, we came across an iron door in an iron wall. Behind it was a room, full of red-eyed endermen, and lit by redstone torches. Some of the endermen were wearing froggy clothes.
"What are they?" I asked Heropiggy. "What are they doing?"
Heropiggy just grunted.
I pressed a button next to the door, and it swung open. I walked up to one of the strange endermen. "Hi," I said. "Who are you?"
The enderman looked at me. "I'm Sombre, a furtherman. What are you doing here?!"
I ignored the question. "Hey, I think I've heard of you! Someone said you were haunting them, and they saw you IRL!"
Sombre said, "Someone might've seen me in Minecraftia, but I've never heard of 'IRL.'"
"What are furthermen?" I asked.
"We're a new breed of endermen, created by Dr. Chibawk, made for finding redstone. And cake."
Dr. Chibawk. I should've known!
"What does he need redstone for?"
"It's this new shop, MooTech, at (2047, 71, -45). It's run by Israphel an- Hang on! You're craftykids! Dr. Chibawk told us about you! Guys, it craftykids! ATTACK!!!"
The furthermen rushed at me, mouths open, and I started to run....but they got me. I died. A furtherman stood above me, holding a cake. I clicked the respawn button.
I wanted to see what this MooTech thing was, so went to the coordinates Sombre had given me.
Sure enough, there was a building there. Strangely, it was made out of huge mushroom blocks.
I went in.
There were walls of item frames, with strange items that I'd never seen before. One had signs over it that said, "Anti-Cake-Stealer! 100% guaranteed not to steal your cakes! Only 3 emeralds! Also comes with a FREE meal from Viney Food!"
I turned a corner, and saw the Mushroom Man. He was wearing froggy clothes, too.
He stared at me. "Dad!" he said. "It's craftykids! Help me catch him!"
Israphel came running through a doorway.
As I tried to get away from them, I asked, "how
"Step-dad!" said Israphel.
"Oh," I said, as they killed me.
So you'd better watch your cakes! Don't let any furthermen get them! And don't buy an anti-cake-stealer, even if you get a free meal at Viney Food! (They don't sell very good food anyway.)
Rana's Froggy Clothing Shop
(This was originally posted on 2013-06-20)
Another encounter with Dr. Chibawk!
I was searching for a village to trade in, and I was walking through a swamp, when I found a building shaped like Rana's hat. I went into it. There was a "Froggy Outfit" being sold for 4 emeralds, and....Rana's ghost!
She said, "Welcome to Rana's Froggy Clothing Shop! Would you like to to buy some froggy clothes?"
"Umm.... Okay," I said. I dropped four emeralds (which I had brought to trade with villagers), and she dropped the froggy outfit.
"Why are you a ghost?" I asked.
"I was removed from Indev, but Dr. Chibawk brought me back as a ghost."
"Oh, no," I thought. "Dr. Chibawk...."
"Okay," I said. "Bye!" and I walked out. Suddenly, I heard a hissing noise, and smoke came out of the ground. I started run, and then, BOOM!, I was thrown forward by a blast of TNT. I kept running, but then Dr. Chibawk materialized in front of me! And he was wearing froggy clothes!
"Hello, craftykids. I hear that you have been talking with Herobrine, and not paying for potatoes. I WILL KILL YOU!!!"
I quit the world, and used MCEdit to get back to my house. Then I tried on my froggy clothes.
Another encounter with Dr. Chibawk!
I was searching for a village to trade in, and I was walking through a swamp, when I found a building shaped like Rana's hat. I went into it. There was a "Froggy Outfit" being sold for 4 emeralds, and....Rana's ghost!
She said, "Welcome to Rana's Froggy Clothing Shop! Would you like to to buy some froggy clothes?"
"Umm.... Okay," I said. I dropped four emeralds (which I had brought to trade with villagers), and she dropped the froggy outfit.
"Why are you a ghost?" I asked.
"I was removed from Indev, but Dr. Chibawk brought me back as a ghost."
"Oh, no," I thought. "Dr. Chibawk...."
"Okay," I said. "Bye!" and I walked out. Suddenly, I heard a hissing noise, and smoke came out of the ground. I started run, and then, BOOM!, I was thrown forward by a blast of TNT. I kept running, but then Dr. Chibawk materialized in front of me! And he was wearing froggy clothes!
"Hello, craftykids. I hear that you have been talking with Herobrine, and not paying for potatoes. I WILL KILL YOU!!!"
I quit the world, and used MCEdit to get back to my house. Then I tried on my froggy clothes.
Viney Food
(This was originally posted on 2013-06-07)
It's been a while since I've seen any signs of Dr. Chibawk. But something happened that may be related....
I was exploring. It was nighttime (I was on peaceful, so there weren't monsters). As the moon was getting lower in the sky, I found a village. It was a very unusual village, though. The houses were made out of obsidian, nether bricks, and soul sand.I walked through the village and came upon a building covered in vines, with two block tall redstone lamp structures outside it, and with a glowstone sign above it that said "Viney Food." I pressed a button to open one of the iron doors and went inside. It seemed to be some sort of restaurant. I looked around it. Then, when I turned around there was a vine-covered player standing there. A chat message appeared saying, "YOU ARE NEXT." Then the vineman disappeared, and my inventory was filled with poisonous potatoes. There were poisonous potatoes everywhere!!! I turned to run out, but there weren't any buttons on the inside, so I grabbed a redstone torch off the wall and placed in front of the door. After I had run a little ways, I looked back and the trees were burning, and I think I might have seen a chicken with purple eyes staring at me....
It's been a while since I've seen any signs of Dr. Chibawk. But something happened that may be related....
I was exploring. It was nighttime (I was on peaceful, so there weren't monsters). As the moon was getting lower in the sky, I found a village. It was a very unusual village, though. The houses were made out of obsidian, nether bricks, and soul sand.I walked through the village and came upon a building covered in vines, with two block tall redstone lamp structures outside it, and with a glowstone sign above it that said "Viney Food." I pressed a button to open one of the iron doors and went inside. It seemed to be some sort of restaurant. I looked around it. Then, when I turned around there was a vine-covered player standing there. A chat message appeared saying, "YOU ARE NEXT." Then the vineman disappeared, and my inventory was filled with poisonous potatoes. There were poisonous potatoes everywhere!!! I turned to run out, but there weren't any buttons on the inside, so I grabbed a redstone torch off the wall and placed in front of the door. After I had run a little ways, I looked back and the trees were burning, and I think I might have seen a chicken with purple eyes staring at me....
Mushroom Man!
(This was originally posted on 2013-02-22)
I was just playing SSP, and I found three mooshrooms wandering around in a jungle. I thought there must be a mushroom biome somewhere close by, so I climbed a tall tree and looked around, but I didn't see a mushroom biome. Strange. I climbed down and looked to see what my coordinates were, and then went to my my house and returned with some wheat to make the mooshrooms follow me. I took then to my house and made an area surrounded by cobblestone walls to put the mooshrooms in. Then I bred two of them. A baby mooshroom appeared, and then, suddenly jumped up on its hind legs. Now it looked like a player with a mooshroom skin. It ran out the open fence gate.I tried to follow, but it was running faster than I could, and I eventually lost it.
I think that this is one of Dr. Chibawk's experiments. That's why there wasn't a mushroom biome where I found the mooshrooms!
I was just playing SSP, and I found three mooshrooms wandering around in a jungle. I thought there must be a mushroom biome somewhere close by, so I climbed a tall tree and looked around, but I didn't see a mushroom biome. Strange. I climbed down and looked to see what my coordinates were, and then went to my my house and returned with some wheat to make the mooshrooms follow me. I took then to my house and made an area surrounded by cobblestone walls to put the mooshrooms in. Then I bred two of them. A baby mooshroom appeared, and then, suddenly jumped up on its hind legs. Now it looked like a player with a mooshroom skin. It ran out the open fence gate.I tried to follow, but it was running faster than I could, and I eventually lost it.
I think that this is one of Dr. Chibawk's experiments. That's why there wasn't a mushroom biome where I found the mooshrooms!
It's Not Herobrine, It's Dr. Chibawk!
(This was originally posted on 2012-12-15)
A few days ago, I created a new world. It was a plains biome, and I couldn't see any trees, so I went looking for some. But, as I was looking, I saw something that looked like the default player, but with completely white eyes. Herobrine!
I was about to exit and delete the world, but then I thought, "Has anyone ever tried talking to Herobrine? It used to not be possible, but now you can use the chat on single player."
I said to Herobrine, "Hi. Why do you keep destroying peoples' houses?"
"It's not me who does that!" said Herobrine. "I only destroy things when I'm mining. That's why players find 2x2 tunnels after seeing me."
"What about the sand pyramids in the ocean and the leafless trees?"
"I thought the pyramids were good decoration. The ocean is pretty boring, isn't it? And I only took the leaves off of a few trees, to use for building."
"Okay," I said. "But why do players keep finding their houses destroyed?"
"That," said Herobrine, "Is the doing of Dr. Chibawk. He's an evil chicken who's trying to take over the world!"
And then Herobrine ran off, and I kept searching for trees.
Then, recently, on the same world, I was coming back to my house and saw a chicken standing outside it. This didn't bother me, until I noticed that it had enderman particles swirling around it. It turned, looked at me, and disappeared with a teleporting noise. A second later, my house blew up.
So, if your house or other creations are destroyed, don't blame Herobrine! It was Dr. Chibawk who did it!
A few days ago, I created a new world. It was a plains biome, and I couldn't see any trees, so I went looking for some. But, as I was looking, I saw something that looked like the default player, but with completely white eyes. Herobrine!
I was about to exit and delete the world, but then I thought, "Has anyone ever tried talking to Herobrine? It used to not be possible, but now you can use the chat on single player."
I said to Herobrine, "Hi. Why do you keep destroying peoples' houses?"
"It's not me who does that!" said Herobrine. "I only destroy things when I'm mining. That's why players find 2x2 tunnels after seeing me."
"What about the sand pyramids in the ocean and the leafless trees?"
"I thought the pyramids were good decoration. The ocean is pretty boring, isn't it? And I only took the leaves off of a few trees, to use for building."
"Okay," I said. "But why do players keep finding their houses destroyed?"
"That," said Herobrine, "Is the doing of Dr. Chibawk. He's an evil chicken who's trying to take over the world!"
And then Herobrine ran off, and I kept searching for trees.
Then, recently, on the same world, I was coming back to my house and saw a chicken standing outside it. This didn't bother me, until I noticed that it had enderman particles swirling around it. It turned, looked at me, and disappeared with a teleporting noise. A second later, my house blew up.
So, if your house or other creations are destroyed, don't blame Herobrine! It was Dr. Chibawk who did it!
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