Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Meran's Story

EDIT: On a completely unrelated subject, MrCrayfish's Model Creator is pretty cool!

I rushed through the forest, weaving between tall birch trees. This time, I hadn't even seen them coming. The strange, headless, spider-like creatures had seemed to appear from nowhere, jumping out from behind tree trunks and off of tree tops. A small crowd of them trailed me now--a smaller crowd than I had been chased by in the past, but still big enough that I was worried about my chances of survival if I turned around to fight them.

I scanned the landscape ahead of me, hoping to a find an ocean, or even a river, where I could jump in my boat and speed ahead of the monsters. I saw neither of these, but what I did see, over to one side, was just as welcome: a Steve-like figure with no irises...it was Herobrine, who I hadn't seen for nearly three years!

If you don't know yet, Herobrine is actually nice. He helps players. The true evil is Dr. Chibawk, an ender-chicken who wants to take over the world, and who delights in the destruction of players' creations and the consumption of stolen cakes. More recently, Entity 303 has also been taking part in destruction, competing with Dr. Chibawk.

As I ran around the tree trunks, I turned toward Herobrine. He seemed to see me, and a diamond sword appeared in his hand as he hurried toward me. A second figure, who I hadn't noticed until now, followed Herobrine. It was Heropiggy, Herobrine's white-eyed pig friend. Then we reached each other, and I turned around to fight the spider-things. Heropiggy distracted some of them, resisting their attacks with his invulnerability, while Herobrine and I killed the others without suffering too much damage. After that was done, we went after the ones chasing Heropiggy.

When all of the creatures were dead, I turned to Herobrine and said, "Hi. Thanks for helping me with that! Do you know what those were?"

"They're called araknids," said Herobrine.

"Oh. Are you doing anything in particular out here?"

"Actually, yes. We're meeting some people at the Forger's cave. You could come if you want."

"How far is it?"

"Not very far. We're almost there."

"Sure, I'll come," I said. "Where's the cave?"

"Follow me," said Herobrine.

We ran toward a hill that was visible in the distance. When he got to the base of the hill, Herobrine ran around the edge. I followed, and discovered that there was a cave entrance on the other side. The walls of the cave were lined with redstone torches, and I could see a bit of light shining from around a downward-sloping corner.

We went toward the light, and emerged in a cavern lit by redstone lamps. Three people were already there: the pure-black Forger; the Cultivator, with miniature plants growing on hir head made of dirt; and Skylar, holding that question mark-shaped scythe. They turned toward us as we came in, and Skylar said, "H! guYs! ! d!dn't n0 U were c0m!ng, craftYk!ds."

"Hi, everyone," I said. "I didn't know I was coming either. I got chased by some araknids, and I happened to run into Heropiggy and Herobrine, who invited me to come after helping me defeat the araknids."

"0!" said Skylar.

As I typed, Heropiggy walked over to a dispenser--well, actually, I guess it was probably a dropper--that had carrot in an item frame on its front. He stood on a pressure plate, and a few carrots came out, which he ate. Next to the carrot dropper another dropper, this one with a piece of rotten flesh in its item frame. I wondered what it was for.

I turned toward the Forger. "So what happened with that portal thing that the Mushroom Man had?" I asked, referring to a strange item that one of Dr. Chibawk's citizens had used.

"I think I've mostly figured out how it works," said the Forger, "but I haven't been able to replicate the functionality. It has a set of coordinates programmed into it, and it takes you to another portabal--that's what they're called--that's somewhere near those coordinates. We're not completely certain, but we think it just takes you to the portabal that's closest to the coordinates. It hasn't been much use, though. We keep it turned off, so that it can't be accessed by Chibawkians."

Everyone was silent for a moment. I opened the chat and started to type something else, but then an enderman appeared in the middle of the cave! It was accompanied by a redhound, one of Dr. Chibawk's thin, black, quadrupedal creatures made for sniffing out redstone. I quickly closed the chat and poised my finger over the "1" key, which corresponded to the slot which held my sword, but I waited to see how the others would react.

"H!, Meran!" Skylar said.

I relaxed, putting my fingers back on WASD. When I had met Skylar before, Skylar had said that Meran was friends with these people.

"Hello," she said.

"Meran, th!s !s craftYk!ds," said Skylar, turning toward me. "CraftYk!ds, ! t0ld U ab0ut Meran, wr!te? And th!s !s D0lent!" Skylar nodded toward the redhound.

Dolent walked over to me. He looked up at me, walked around me, and then nuzzled my shoulder, before walking over to the rotten flesh dropper and getting some to eat.

"S0, Meran, what's up?" asked Skylar.

"I just had an encounter with 303's kids."

"Y!kes! That s0unds l!ke a d!ff!cult s!tuat!0n. W00d U m!nd tell!ng ab0ut what happened? ! enj0Y hear!ng Y0ur st0r!es!"

"I wouldn't mind," said Meran. "I was walking with Dolent in a jungle..."

* * *

Meran surveyed the green landscape. She and Dolent were searching for redstone. Since Dr. Chibawk had created furthermen, redhounds had started going out of use. There were barely even any left these days; some had died or been killed, and many had been turned into furthermen. Dolent, however, seemed resistant to the idea of becoming a furtherman, and so Meran had convinced Dr. Chibawk to avoid transforming him.

"I don't see any temples," said Meran. "Do you?"

Dolent looked around, and then turned his head back toward the ground. He kept walking forward, toward the redstone that he could sense nearby. As they emerged into a clearing, a house--one that definitely wasn't natural--came into view.

"Is that that where the redstone is?" asked Meran

Dolent gave a quick nod of his head.

"Darn. Well, we'll have--"

MeeeeeeowBOOM! A kitten, covered in magenta flames, suddenly came shooting out of the jungle and made a tiny explosion on the house! It was quickly followed by a burst of green fire, which ignited the wooden building.

A player came running out of the house, presumably to see what was happening. As soon as they rounded the corner, a volley of fire, cats, and arrows flew at them. The player dodged out of the way, managing to only be hit by a kitten, which then ran behind the house.

Three individuals emerged from the trees.

* * *

"First came Prince Matida."

"Who's that?" I interrupted.

"Entity 303's daughter," replied Meran.

"And Princess Repierk's sister," said the Cultivator. "She has gray skin, long red hair, and cat ears."

"OK, thanks," I said.

"After Matida came Repierk, and a chicken holding a bow," Meran continued. "The chicken had blue eyes. I couldn't be certain from the distance I was at, but I was pretty sure it was Zoanna Chibawk, who had disappeared from Chibawkia recently after fighting with her father."

"Who I'm guessing is Dr. Chibawk," I said.

"Yep. I wondered if she had joined Entity 303 just to spite her dad. Anyway, when I saw them, I grabbed Dolent and teleported down to try to help the player..."

* * *

"Prepare to feel the wrath of the Nether!!!" shouted Prince Matida.

"We have come on behalf of our Queen, Entity 303!" put in Repierk.

As Meran took Dolent into the clearing, the sky got darker, allowing Meran to be away from the cover of trees without getting hurt by the sun. She set Dolent down, and teleported behind Princess Repierk, who she attacked. Repierk turned around and released a torrent of green flames from his hands, but Meran teleported away before they could hit her.

She appeared on top of the player's house. Dolent was running at Zoanna, who had her bow partially drawn. The player was charging at Matida, deflecting her kittens with their sword. Repierk shot more fire toward Meran, and she teleported back behind him. This time, he was expecting her, and quickly turned around again to attack her. Meran teleported away again, over to Matida, and hit her while she was distracted by the player. Then Zoanna shot an arrow at Meran, and she had to teleport once again.

Once she arrived on the edge of the clearing, Meran saw that Dolent had left Zoanna, and was rushing toward the larger threats. The player had been hit by Repierk's fire, and was trying to douse it in a waterfall, but the flames refused to go out. Meran was about to join in the fight again, but then--

"Matida, my love!" cried Zoanna. "Your cats!"

Meran turned toward the chicken, and was amused to see that several of the Prince's kittens, which had been abandoned after impact, were now clustering around Zoanna, apparently poised to pounce.

Matida stopped fighting and rushed over to her lover. The cats disappeared as she picked them up, and she dropped a cyan potion. Zoanna picked it up, drank it, and disappeared. Matida turned around and started to go back toward her brother, but Repierk was now fighting the player, Dolent, and Meran as she now teleported over to him, and he too drank a cyan potion and vanished. When Meran looked at where Prince Matida had been, she was also gone.

Meran turned to the player, who was standing next to their ruined house, and gave them a nod, picked up Dolent...

* * *

"...and then I came here," finished Meran.

"W0w!" exclaimed Skylar. "That was exc!t!ng!"

"So I guess Zoanna left Chibawkia to be with Matida," mused the Cultivator.

"Yeah, probably," said Meran.

"It was fun to see you all," I said, "but I want to continue exploring now. Thanks for telling that story, Meran. And thank you, everyone, for always being so helpful! Bye!"

"N0 pr0blem! BuY!"


"See you later!"



*Intense staring*


I walked back out of the cave.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Cultivator Art

The Cultivator. Originally drawn in pencil, and colored in GIMP.