Sunday, July 11, 2021

Netherroyals update

 (Disclaimer: this is not indicative of anything in the works; it's just some stuff I've been passively doing)

Some development I've done of the Netherroyals since when the stories tapered off!

First off:

A meme saying "Repierk has become nonbinary", with a picture of a Repierk skin

(Side note: I am as well, not coincidentally)

They also, as shown above, have a new skin, as well as a new version of the princess outfit (though these things aren't entirely new as they've already been on my PMC profile for a while)

I also have some never-before-seen stuff for their sister, albeit stuff that's a bit more questionable with regard to this blog's continuity:

Matida  Has  Become---

---Er, that is, her name is Miatilva! Or Mia. And she also has a skin!

Some other misc notes about this hypothetical updated (dis)continuity:

  • Netherroyal titles probably aren't gender-swapped? Repierk's still a princess though because that's kinda the point!
  • Not so sure about Mia x Zoanna being a thing. 100% sure though that Mia is a lesbian and Zoanna is bi. (Hmmmm)
  • Also Repierk, Mia, and Zoanna joined the siege on Chibawkia and lived happily ever after. Maybe Mia and Herobecky are girlfriends? Zoanna has a ghost chicken datemate? And as long as we're paring people up, how about Repierk x Meran? (And have I ever mentioned that Dieamond and Lesto have a polycule with a furtherman named Lugubrious?)
Aaaaand I think that's it for this year's one (1) post. (I wrote this at 2am. Hopefully it's not too weird)

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